join us
We find ourselves in a society undergoing great change, in a period of uncertainty. There is an increasing need for healing, as we search for a sense of belonging in a fragmented and fractious world. An increase in connectivity provides an unceasing array of distractions. Finding a sense of stillness has never been more challenging.
And yet we, as individuals, continue our search for meaning. At the Sacred Heart, our worshipping community endeavour to bring our parishioners back to Christ’s core message: to treat each other with love and respect, as we ourselves would like to be treated.
Growing in Faith
Faith is like a seedling. We must be patient and provide the right conditions for growth. We don’t always know how big the plant will grow; we live in hope that it will flower when the time is right. Jesus said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.” Mark 4:26-27

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic as an adult, our door is always open. Give us a call or visit the presbytery at your convenience. You can find out more about what the rite involves here.
Children who are not attending catholic primary schools, but who wish to receive First Holy Communion are invited to attend two years of classes. In these sessions our trained catechists accompany your child along the pathway to full communion with Christ. You can find out more about the Walk With Me programme here.
Get Involved
There are three elements at the core of church membership, which bring our community together: faith, involvement and friendship. There are countless opportunities to meet likeminded people and volunteer within our community. Find out more about our groups and ministries.
Young People and Families
We have a wide range of activities and support for young people and families. More information about our provision for young people and families can be found below.