About us
Our parish has an active volunteering community, who work together to run our church smoothly. Below is a list of ministries you can get involved in. Most of the roles require training. Notices about how to sign up can be found in our newsletters. Click here to view our newsletters online.
Alternatively, you can contact the Parish office, who will put you in touch with the relevant co-ordinator.
Altar Servers
Assisting the priests and serving
the worshipping community at
the table of the Lord.
Co-ordinator: Angela Tye Gallichet
Eucharistic Ministers
Distributing holy communion at mass and bringing the Eucharist to the sick and the housebound.
Co-ordinator: Shawina Emmanuel
Proclaiming the Word of God
at mass and at other liturgical events.
Co-ordinator: Angela Tye Gallichet
Sunday Counters
Working on a seven-week rota doing the parish count on Sunday mornings.
Co-ordinator: Melanie Gibbons
Preparing our candidates for First Holy Communion, Confirmation and for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Co-ordinator: Chris Rosser
Enhancing the church ambience
according to liturgical seasons.
Co-ordinator: Jan Szemerenyi
Overseeing the practical needs relating to all liturgical celebrations in the church.
Welcoming our regular parishioners and newcomers to the church is a key ministry in our parish.
Co-ordinator: Dave Kennedy
Choirs and Musicians
Our musicians and choristers are happy to be approached by members of the parish who are interested in singing or playing music for our mass. Alternatively, contact the parish office and ask for Clare Shah, or speak to any of the musicians or choristers at mass.