Corpus Christi, Sunday 23rd June 2019

Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, the spiritual food of our souls. In the Old Testament three elements had to be present in order for the Passover meal to be shared, a lamb, bitter herbs drink, and unleavened bread (Exodus 12:1-14).
Bread is a symbol of sustenance and wine is a reference to the human substance. In so many cultures and countries bread and wine are made in different forms. In each celebration in the Old Testament bread was used and wine was one of the
beverages consumed at feasts as a symbol of joy and future salvation.
At the Last Supper (Passover Meal) in the New Testament, Jesus did not want to use any abstract example to convey the message and meaning of what he wanted to do. Therefore he used bread and wine. At this meal, Jesus offered his body and blood for us to eat and drink as a sign of the New Covenant and for the forgiveness of our sins (Matthew 26:26-28). This is what we do at every Mass in the memory of Jesus Christ where the bread and wine is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ (transubstantiation) during Consecration at every Mass we celebrate.
What is The Body and Blood of Christ for us?
The Body and Blood of Christ is Jesus Christ Himself.
The Body and Blood of Christ is the life-giver for our soul.
The Body and Blood of Christ is our source of holiness.
The Body and Blood of Christ prepares us for heaven and eternal life.
The Body and Blood of Christ is our source of union in God.
May our lives be transformed and renewed by the Body and Blood of Christ we eat and drink and make us be like Jesus in our thoughts, words and actions. Be filled with the graces, wisdom and presence of God in all our activities in the new week. Amen.
Fr Ako CM