6th Sunday of Easter, Sunday 26th May 2019

Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that ‘if anyone love me, he will keep my word and my father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him.’
When we were men baptised, we became sons and daughter of God.
So we have God’s life in us.
So we can feel at home with God.
Do I feel at home with God?
We know what it means to be in our own homes. What it feels like – we can relax there. We welcome people to our homes – we say, ‘make yourselves at home.’ People will feel ‘at home’ in our homes if we are happy to see them and do our best to help then to relax with us.
Our faith tells me that I am a son/daughter of God because of my baptism.
I belong to God who gave me life through my parents and in a special way a share in His life through my baptism.
He waits for my response to his gift of sharing in His life.
Jesus’ words are –‘if anyone love me, he will keep my word and my father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him.’
Do I feel relaxed, loved by God when I try to pray?
Do I love God?
Am I at home with God?
Maybe I should ask God if He feels at home with me?
Fr Noel Travers cm