Groups &
Coffee Mornings
After the 11:30am Sunday mass.
Jasmine Women’s Group
Creative Project for refugee women organised in association
with Barnet Refugee Centre. This is an opportunity for women
to make social contacts improve their self-esteem and
self-confidence through learning new skills and work
towards a positive integration. It is also a potential platform
to invite speakers to talk about relevant health and social
issues. It meets on Friday mornings in the hall.
Knitting and Crochet Group
All are welcome to this friendly group who meet every Tuesday in the parish centre from 2-4pm.
Mothers and Toddlers Group
For pre-school children and their parents or carers.
Meets on Thursday at 9:30am.
An activity group (pre-Brownies) for girls aged 5-7 years,
meets on Mondays from 5.15pm – 6.15pm.
Afternoon Tea and Bingo on the first and third Monday of the month from 2-4pm. All ages and all faiths welcome. It is
a club for both men and women.
Youth Club
The Youth Club is planning to return in the near future.
Watch this space.