walk with me
The parish “Walk With Me” programme provides young people aged 6-14 years attending non-Catholic Schools an opportunity to understand and grow in their Catholic Faith in a lively enjoyable way.
It also provides an opportunity for young people who have not been able to attend the Parish Baptism, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion courses to prepare for the Sacraments.
The group meets every Sunday from 11.00am -12.00pmm during term time in the Hall.

About the Sessions
The weekly sessions follow the liturgical year and matches Religious Education classes provided in Catholic schools. The children follow the appropriate programme for their stage in their Faith Journey, using materials and activities to stimulate discussion and increase the children’s understanding of their faith. The young people are introduced to the Bible, Catholic prayers, hymns and spirituality
Each lesson includes a refreshment and provides learning materials and activities for the children matched to their age group.
These sessions are also an opportunity for:
Parents to get involved and be supported in helping the children to understand their Faith
Understanding liturgy Catholic prayers and Scripture
Special celebrations at Christmas, Mothers’ Day, Passover Meal and Easter.
A chance to meet and share with other families and for children to make new friends

There is a charge of £40 for the first child and £20 for each sibling each year.
Programme Dates

Special Events
Whole Group classes
Here, all children work together on the same topic as an opportunity to get to know each other better and enjoy shared tasks.
Afternoon of Recollection
Once a year we go offsite for an afternoon to explore a topic in more depth and to get to know each other and relax. The afternoon concludes with a mass for the children and their families.
Passover Meal
Just before Easter each year, we celebrate a Passover Meal. We look back at the origins of the Passover Meal, Jesus’ Last Supper and its celebration in the Mass today, exploring the special foods and their meaning. All children and their families are invited.
Parents and Carers’ Meetings
Approximately every 4-6 weeks, during the children’s classes, parents and carers receive support with their faith development and help them to become familiar with the materials the children are covering. These are an opportunity for prayer, sharing and social engagement.

The Team
We are always in need of new Catechists. Most of us became Catechists when our children joined the programme.
No special knowledge, experience or training is required. Just a desire to share and grow in your faith and willingness to “walk with” the children on their journey of Faith.
For more information: Please contact:
Chris Rosser – chrisrosser@btinternet.com
The programmes
To read the materials we use for the different programmes, please click on the text in the buttons below.
Year 2
Year 3 and Up
Year 4 and Up
Year 3 and up
Year 3 and Up
Year 5 and Up